Tuesday 29 December 2015

7 Physical Changes in Mothers After ChildBirth

In Islam, Motherhood is considered a great blessing by Allah (SWT) for women. It brings in something which changes the life of women for good.

“The beauty of being a mother is realizing the strengths that you didn’t know you had; and dealing with such fears that you couldn’t imagine they existed.” (Linda Wooten)

Upon the birth of a child, soon the mother will enter into a stage usually known as "nifaas". This stage lasts for about 40 days and has a prominent effect on mothers.

Mothers go through many physiological changes and when this stage ends; their body goes back to its pre-pregnancy state.

Here are some of the prominent physiological changes that appear:

A Minor increase in body temperature:
The minor rise in temperature is quite common in many women especially those who are giving birth for the first time. It usually happens due to excessive muscular effort of the body while they are giving birth to the child.
The temperature normally lasts for about 24hours or so and if it exceeds the said tenure then there might be some internal problem which needs to be timely resolved.
A bit slower heartbeat than normal:
It’s also something that happens after birth and may last for about 2 to 3 days but if the heartbeat is much more rapid than the normal one, then it might be result of a heart disease.
Problem in Defecating and Urinating:
Soreness following the birth or stitches on cuts can be the major cause of this problem. They can make the process of urination quite painful for the women.
Changes in Uterus (Womb):

After giving birth, the Uterus (womb) reshapes itself and shrinks back to its normal size & the actual place. This process can be a bit painful usually for those who are having the second or subsequent birth.
Breastfeeding is a great way to speed up the process of reshaping the uterus back to its original shape and that can happen in about six weeks from the time of birth.

Vaginal Discharge:

Another prominent change that occurs after birth is the vaginal discharge. The color of this discharge is dark red in the first week. In the second week it turns to yellow and in the third it turns to white.

Your stomach may not be firm:

The circumference of your waist may not be firm after birth, the reason behind is that you still have the weight that was put on while pregnancy. This weight can also result in back pains and hemorrhoids.

Pain after Caesarean Delivery:

Caesarean delivery can cause you a lot of pain. Reason behind that are cuts, wounds and small tears that were made during the surgery. You would be having difficulty in sitting, standing up and making other movements in a daily routine.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), A Mercy for Mankind

The greatest personality that ever came on the face of this earth was Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). He was born in Mecca in the area of Bani Hashim on the ninth of Rabi’ul-Awwal, in the year of elephant incident i.e. the twentieth or twenty second of April, 571 C.E.
This date was confirmed by a renowned scholar of Islam Muhammad Sulaiman Al-Mansurpuri and also a famous astronomer Mahmood Pasha (the difference in the dates of April exist mainly due to the previous and current method of calendar calculations)

Birth Place of Muhammad (PBUH)

What were the unusual signs that were shown by Allah (SWT) when Muhammad (PBUH) was born?

Upon Muhammad’s (PBUH) arrival in the world, Allah (SWT) showed many unusual signs that were later on reported by various people.

Light from Pudendum:

It was reported by Ibn Saa’d that the mother of Muhammad said: “When Muhammad was born, there was a brightening light that came out of my Pudendum and brightened the palaces in Syria.” (Musnad Ahmad 4-127, 128, 185 and 5-262, Ibn Saa’d 1-63).

The Collapse of Towers of Kisra’s Palace:

Another unusual sign of Prophet’s birth was the 14 towers of Kisra’s palace that collapsed. The collapse was mainly due to an earthquake that shook the entire palace that belonged to a Persian king.

Palace of Kisra

The Sacred Fire that went out:

There was fire in the temple of Persia that went out which had been burning for a thousand years continuously.

sacred fire went out

Lake Sawa sank down:

The famous Lake Sawa drying up is considered to be another unusual event upon Muhammad’s arrival.

Lake Sawa

These last three events that took place were recorded by Al-Baihaqi, At-Tabari and others as well, but none of the chains of their narrations are confirmed.